Personalized Recovery Services


Counselling for Alcoholism | Cocaine Addiction | Weed Addiction

(You DON'T have to use words like addict, alcoholic - or even addiction. Language matters!)

Alcohol Use Disorder Coaching

Alcohol is the only drug we have to explain not using. Change your beliefs around alcohol and find sobriety – or moderation.

Cocaine Addiction Coaching

Cocaine use is all too common – and often occurs in secrecy. I know – I’ve been there. Start the conversation and explore recovery.

Weed Addiction Coaching

Just because it’s legal now, doesn’t mean it’s any safer. While it may seem benign compared to other drugs, cannabis is addicting and can erode confidence and motivation.

Maybe you don't feel addicted, but your substance use is problematic - and life isn't good enough. We don't have to wait for "rock bottom".

Sober Coach

Connor O'Reilly

Sober Coach
Future Psychologist
Yoga Teacher
About Connor

Sobriety Journey - From Severe Substance Use Disorder to Recovery Coach

My alcohol and drug use started as a fun social activity in my teens and slowly devolved into abject despair. My life has changed completely since finding recovery.

I had brushes with the law, lost relationships, broke 100s of promises to myself that I was done, and gave up an awesome career. You don’t need to suffer the same way I did. Sober coaching is a judgement-free, personalized and empowering approach to changing your relationship with substance use – wherever you’re at.

Recovery isn’t boring – it’s about building a life you love to live. One so fulfilling, you wouldn’t want to dull it with substance use. That’s real freedom from addiction.

"Connor helped me find meaning beyond counting the days I’d been sober from alcohol and cocaine. He helped me create a personalized approach to recovery to make a sober life sustainable and enjoyable."
-B. D.

Cocaine Treatment from Home

Free 15 minute consultation for recovery coaching